Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Biting the Hand That Feeds you

This is interesting, the city of Los Angeles is threatening to "boycott" Arizona, over the SB 1070 immigration issue. The law that requires aliens to enter the country the way past aliens have done. LEGALLY.

But that's neither here nor there, the interesting thing is that LA buys about 25% of their electricity from...Arizona. Therefore a "boycott" would mean they would stop buying electricity from them too right?

Well, they may not have a choice, now Arizona is threatening to shut off their electricity they supply to the city. Honestly, I would LOVE to see this happen, because boycotting a state in our union is never ok, especially over such a minute thing as essentially enforcing the law that was already a federal law.

Rolling blackouts for LA? We'll see.

Here is the article. [CBS News]

and HERE is the letter from Commissioner Gary Pierce [Hot Air]

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