R.O.W.E - It works...this video is lengthy, but is worth watching.
It talks about how incentives don't work in cognitive situations, but they do work in mechanical situtations. Near the end is where he discusses Results Only Work Environment. This is something I am a huge fan of. I basically work in a ROWE and it is great, as it afford me the ability to do things I want to do (non-work related) and allows me to get work done at anytime. Not 8-5 in the office. More and more this is becoming a shift in corporate paradigm.
Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation
5 days ago
OMG, I want to take this to the board of my company. Dammit. Why is it so hard for people to understand these simple concepts? Once we get all these boomers out of the workforce, maybe we can have our say.